What You Should Know About Weight Loss

Obesity is the condition of gross overweight,it is a condition where a person has accumulated so much fat.It is also a condition where the body weight of a person is 20% or above his or her ideal body weight or a BMI value of 30 and above.
With the rate of overweight and obesity in the world,many people are looking for the easy and fast ways to loose weight without knowing the implications.Here are some important issues you should know about weight loss.

1. Weight loss is usually a slow task,success of a weight reduction programme does not depend so much on the fast rate of weight loss but on how well reduced weight can be maintained without a relapse.

2. The best approach for curing obesity include:

  • Proper diets and good food habits.
  • Strict behavioural change to favour weight reduction.
  • Increased activity level say in the form of regular exercises.
3. Weight loss go with a lot of hunger pains and energy deficiency signs. They decrease as the body and the stomach adjust to small quantities of food.

4.  Weight loss requires a lot of self discipline. You have to make up your mind to avoid habits that encourages excess energy intake like the over intake of delicious high sugar,high fat,high refined carbohydrate and high alcohol.

                                            Stay healthy......

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