1 Kings 20:39,40; Luke 14:28-33; Mark 1:37-39; John 6:12-15; Nehemiah 6:2-4; 2 Kings 2:1-15.
Goals usually lead to plans, otherwise the goals may remain unachievable. Plans map out the path to the achievement of the goals. There is the necessity of laying out and planning the relevant activities that will ultimately help in fulfilling our goals.
We can be busy here and there achieving nothing (1 Kings 20:39,40). Life is not about being busy but about being positively and inspirational productive.
Clear goals will lead to well set plans that eliminate the irrelevant. there will be many good activities that we forgo in other to concentrate on the better. The good is always the enemy of the better and best. Wise men go in for the best and allow the good to pass them by, because they know the good will never last, but the better and best last for longer period. Aim at being the best that you can be, don't allow yourself to be distracted by the innumerable attractions along the way. Don't stray into the by ways of worldliness and compromise, God's way is the highway, Stay on track.
The man whose goal is travellings to the moon doest not plan on how to get into a submarine as goods because that way will take him far way from his goal. Don't run after every new programme, don't be fascinated by every new fashion and fancy. The aimless crowd is always excited by every new thing even if it is worthless, don't be carried away by crowd psychology. Stand out of the crowd, Stand up and be counted. Dance and March to a different drum if you must. Blaze a new trail if you must. Don't always be satisfied travelling the beaten path.
What are your life goals?, How specific are your plans?, How focused are your activities?, Will the road you are travelling take you to your desired destination?, finger out all that when you are planning to set a goal.
Unquestionable Footprints To Action
Ecclesiastes 9:10,16-18; 10:10; Proverbs 13:11,4; 10;4,5; Genesis 2:15; 41:46-52; 39:2-6; Haggai 1:5-12, Romans 12:8,11; 2 Thessalonians 3:11,12.
Goals lead to plans and plans lead to action, Plans are like unquestionable footprints that show the way to action. The more spaced the footprints are, the bigger the steps we have to take to follow the footprints. The better the plans, the giant the leaps.
Success is never delivered on a platter of gold, Beautiful plans do not automatically turn to glorious achievement except we put the plans to action. We must not only plan or work but we must also work out our plans. Thomas Edison has well said that "success is 2% inspiration and 98% perspiration". Action is the bridge that separates the winners from the wishers, the victorious from the losers, the achievers from the daydreamers.
The way we perceive WORK determines the motivation and passion with which we work, It is good to perceive WORK as an opportunity for triumph, an opportunity to develop and become what we are meant to be and achieve or actualise our ministerial goals.
The footballer sees training (work) as an opportunity to have his or her skills display and prepare for greatness. The musician sees vocal practise as an opportunity to produce a classical vocal sound when singing.
Work is an opportunity for us to live above the level of mediocrity. It provides a platform for bringing our noble dreams to pass. Work is the bedrock of achievement.
The good is always the enemy to the better or the best, Reach out for the best fresh goal.