Psalm 7:14 Behold, [the wicked man] conceives iniquity and is pregnant with mischief and gives birth to lies.
Praise God. The thoughts of the wicked. They don’t think of anything good, their hearts are darken that all that comes through their mind is nonsense. Behold, the wicked man conceives iniquity and is pregnant with mischief and gives birth to lies. See how wicked people think up evil;
they plan trouble and practice deception and they go ahead to set traps for people.
Brethren because you are in Christ. God doesn’t allow His own to perish the way the enemies plan, so in the traps they set for others,
they themselves get caught.
Praise God,WOW brethren hold your peace and let God fight your battles and deal with the wicked people His own way.
GOOD MORNING and happy weekend.