Partner With The Truth

3 John 1:8 So we ourselves should support them so that we can be their partners as they teach the truth.

Praise God. Beloved this morning I want you to have in mind that you can help to spread the gospel (teach) of truth by supporting anyone that teaches or preaches the truth gospel.
To be partners with the people teaching the truth is to be partner with the truth itself.
Dear beloved you are being faithful to God when you care for the traveling teachers who pass through a lot troubles for the truth to be evangelised, even though they are strangers to you, yes they might be stranger to you but not to God, so care for them the best way you can, “your caring for the truth gospel preaches and the children of Christ might lead to your breakthrough.
I feel someone asking “HOW”, Ask Father Abraham in Genesis 18:1-10. Also ask the Shunammite woman in 2 kings 4:8-17.
Please don’t just do this ignorantly, I do say to people that the Holy Spirit is there to direct you, do not care for people or preachers just because it is option and for people to notice, the two examples I mention above they perceive in their Spirit that they should. Because mostly people act ignorantly these days, beware you need to perceive to see in order to receive.
You providing for such teachers of the truthful gospel has to be done in a manner that pleases God and not men. Please beloved care.
G🐟🐟DM🐟RNING And Happy Weekend. Shalom.

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