Ecclesiastes 8:8 None of us can hold back our spirit from departing. None of us has the power to prevent the day of our death. There is no escaping that obligation, that dark battle. And in the face of death, wickedness will certainly not rescue the wicked.
Praise God. Beloved being wicked, unprepared and unsaved is not good for anybody (believers/unbelievers).
Everyone on earth wants to show how wise, smart or evil they’re in any given time, for that reason we all forget that being wise, wicked or good will not save us from the physical death.
How prepared are you my beloved?, “I thought about the things that are done in this world, a world where some people have power and others have to suffer under them”, Ecclesiastes 8 : 9.
Brethren what we all most or should remember is death/temptations are inevitable. Please if you are in power as a King, President, General-overseer, Prophet, Bishop, Apostle etc, use that power wisely, if you don’t have wisdom to lead ask God for it “James 1:5” because one day you will depart from this earth as a good or wicked person, and give an accurate account to the Lord.
NOTE: None of us can hold back our spirit from departing. None of us has the power to prevent the day of our death.
Hebrews 9:27.