Blind Follower

 Luke 6:39  He also told them this parable: “Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into a pit?

Praise God. Beloved as a Christian the earlier we open our eyes to the truth the better for us. Many Christians are following blind leaders leading them to hell. These leaders does not care about what God’s word says but follows their selfish desires.

I have few question for you today. How many times have you heard from God and how many times have you listened. You are being misled because you do not know what the words of God says or because you lacked understanding of His words.

Brethren note - in this race you are on your own. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.

Know what God’s word says concerning this race to eternity and not what human says. Be wise.

G🔥🔥DM🔥RNING, Happy Weekend And Shalom.


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