Created in Christ

 Ephesians 2:10  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Praise God. Have you ever looked into the mirror and see how wonderful the Lord has created you to be?

It is something very common these days to see people trying to recreate themselves, they try to remove or add to their bodies not because of any health issues but because they think they were not created well.

They hate the body the Lord created them in, so they wish to change it.

Many try to become what they are not just to feel accepted by others.

Note: To you feeling inferior, hear this “you are a perfect handiwork of God, He loves you the way He created you. You can not modify your body to please others, no matter how you try, you can not please the world”. Beloved you are not of this world but of God. Why don't you try to please God? 

Brethren you were created to do the good works that has been ordained for you to walk in.

Be focused and do not allow anything distract you from your assignment on earth.

The worst thing that can happen to anybody, is to die without fulfilling God’s purpose for his/her life. “Your flesh might be busy loving carnality but your soul is crying for help” REPENT.



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