Christ Was Amazed

 Luke 7:9 When Jesus heard this, He was amazed. Turning to the crowd that was following Him, He said, “I tell you, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel.

Praise God. Jesus returning to Capernaum, a highly valued servant, of a Roman officer was sick and near death (ready to die). When the master heard about Jesus, he sent some respected jewish elders to go and ask Jesus Christ to come and heal his dying servant.

I believe the centurion heard about Jesus through people’s report of the powerful miracles and profound messages He went around teaching.

Jesus Christ did awesome things that marveled/amazed people wherever He went, but the Roman officer faith in words amazed Jesus Christ.

That means as believers we can do things that God Himself will be amaze and be proud of us, beloveth note “it was the amazing lifestyle of job that amazed God to boast off him (job) to the devil”.

The centurion spoke words in faith to the Messiah, in response to that spoken word of faith, Jesus activated the (servant) healing by turning to the crowd that was following Him, He said, “I tell you, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel, at that minute his (servant) came back to life  because he believed. “Matthew 8:13”.

Can you also make your Heavenly Father amaze and proud of you with your lifestyle in words and in doings through faith in Christ, Think about it?.

G🦋🦋DM🦋RNING, Happy Weekend And Shalom.


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